Smart treasury for SMBs.

Connect your bank accounts safely and keep close track of your cash flow in real time.


Connect your banks
and have full control

You won't miss a single transaction. In Holded you can manage your company and your entire treasury with a single solution because everything is connected.

Automate treasury
daily tasks

Controlled payments
and collections

View your invoices in a visual list. You can check whether they are pending, collected or reconciled.

Controlled payments
and collections with Holded

Faster conciliation

Save a lot of time by receiving intelligent suggestions of which transactions from your bank match the invoices you have issued.

Faster conciliation with Holded

Automatic synchronization

Keep your accounts up to date effortlessly and view them all within Holded. Forget about checking each bank separately in different apps.

Sincronización bancaria automática

The next step in keeping treasury updated

Speed up your
treasury operations

Bank reconciliation rules

Tell Holded which movements can be done independently and forget about reconciling. Create custom rules and massively reconcile recurring movements without you having to do anything extra.

Bank remittances

Simplify your payments by consolidating them into a single order within Holded to send to your bank. You won't have to manually create remittances and direct debits, or enter totals by hand. This saves you time and avoids possible errors.

Bank remittances at Holded


Advanced cashflow

Forecast your cash needs

You can plan your financial goals and calculate, for example, how much will impact expanding your team or how to deal with unforeseen events.

Projection of cashflow goals

The cash goal projection allows you to create a budget based on your previously defined income and expense targets.

Projection of cashflow goals

Scenario management

A scenario is an environment where you can set goals for a specific period of time. You can create several scenarios to analyze various what-if situations.

Holded gives you more

Cloud invoicing

Cloud invoicing

Create professional invoices for your business in a couple of clicks.

webinar de Holded

Webinar on bank reconciliation

Learn from scratch how to connect your bank, access reconciliation and create banking rules.

Soporte desde el primer día a través del chat

Client support from day one

Get the support you need from an exclusive dedicated team.

Try Holded completely free for 14 days

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Create your invoices with Holded