A CRM to be closer to your clients.

Manage your sales opportunities, your resources and your company's customer service from a single platform.


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The easy-to-use CRM

It adapts to all your company's needs, saving you more than 40 hours of work per month.

Customised funnels

Follow the cycle of your sales by showing each of the stages up to the closing of a contract.

Tailor-made business scenarios

Identify your potential customers and create a short-term business scenario.

Sales opportunities

Create opportunities easily whenever you need to by filling in a form on the platform.

Total visibility at every stage

Check the creation date of the generated opportunity, estimated closing date, business potential and much more.

Detailed information

Add as much information as you want to your conversion funnels, change them, check their value according to the stage and add extra custom fields.

Manage relationships with your contacts

Get in touch with your customers and find out their needs quickly to make a proposal.

Client portal

Share with your customer all the information you need (quotes, invoices, etc.) from a single place within Holded.

New or existing contacts

Create new contacts or import them to Holded in just a few clicks thanks to the templates made for this purpose.

Detailed contact panel

Access all your customer information easily: employees, invoices, recent communications, unpaid invoices, etc.

Reports that give you an advantage

Generate automatic reports that connect your invoices, orders and delivery notes in Holded with the stock of your contacts.

Manage your calendar

Display your company events and manage and monitor all CRM activities based on your availability.

Integrated calendars

Connect any external calendar with your Holded calendar to keep track of your hours in one place.

Link to automatically schedule meetings

It makes it easy to "find the time", your guests will only have to choose the time that suits them best among those you have provided.

Personalised booking link

Avoid links with lots of numbers, you can customise the text of your meeting link to express what you want.

Time-range bookings

Limit the range of time your contacts can see you when booking a meeting.


Your CRM and the rest of your business connected in a single tool.

Connect your invoicing

Create invoices in seconds and schedule them with a single click.

Connect your accounting

Save time by automating 95% of your accounting

Connect your inventory

Monitor your stock in real time and control your sales cycles.

Connect your projects

Plan and manage your projects from start to finish.

Connect your HR

Empower and organise your team with the best HR tools.

Automatise tasks with our free integrations:

  • Shopify

  • Dropbox

  • Google Drive

  • PayPal

  • Zapier

  • Stripe


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You can do many things with Holded, but you don't have to know everything to start.

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