La Chapolera
La Chapolera's main purpose is to put an end to the myth that in Spain we consume poor quality coffee.
We Spaniards are big coffee drinkers, many say every morning that "without a coffee I am not yet a human being"... and if you don't hear it from anyone, it means that it’s you who says it.
However, the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot, and the quality of coffee in Spain has always been in question. Alberto Ferrero took notice of this and created La Chapolera, a company created with the aim of serving the best freshly roasted coffee of organic origin.
"My partners and I had experience in hospitality and saw coffee as a badly abused product that needed a change we could provide."
"Patience and tenacity were essential at the beginning. You want to grow, of course, but for that you need the right stability to always build on insurance". Alberto also points out other drawbacks that every entrepreneur should be aware of: "The main struggle is financing and getting the first customers to balance income and expenses. Getting to this point is the most challenging part. Adjusting expenses and negotiating with banks and suppliers until this is achieved is the key. In this sense, having a good management program such as Holded is a must".
"Nowadays you must not overlook social media. You can reach many new customers with the right strategy."
Social networks build trust and, in the case of La Chapolera, they have done a great job because, at a glance, we know a lot about the company's day to day life, the way they work, etc. Very often companies simply stay on their web page, but nowadays, having a developed social network means that many clients arrive in a tangential way and decide to stay, since the direct messages are very easy to reach and close to them.
"As Holded allows you to store all the information in the cloud and, therefore, to be able to access everything from any device anywhere, you can spend plenty of time on other tasks. It's a holistic solution."
Holded helps us especially in stock management, the creation of delivery notes, invoices... in addition to the daily management of the activity. Its reporting and cash-flow tools are highly helpful as well.
In our particular case, its main functionality is integration.
A sale is easily registered, tracked and analyzed with a single process.
«To build a house of cards, the levels below must be stable and solid before you continue ascending. If not, you fail.».
Alberto Ferrero
CEO at La Chapolera
La Chapolera
La Chapolera's main purpose is to put an end to the myth that in Spain we consume poor quality coffee.
We Spaniards are big coffee drinkers, many say every morning that "without a coffee I am not yet a human being"... and if you don't hear it from anyone, it means that it’s you who says it.
However, the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot, and the quality of coffee in Spain has always been in question. Alberto Ferrero took notice of this and created La Chapolera, a company created with the aim of serving the best freshly roasted coffee of organic origin.
"My partners and I had experience in hospitality and saw coffee as a badly abused product that needed a change we could provide."
"Patience and tenacity were essential at the beginning. You want to grow, of course, but for that you need the right stability to always build on insurance". Alberto also points out other drawbacks that every entrepreneur should be aware of: "The main struggle is financing and getting the first customers to balance income and expenses. Getting to this point is the most challenging part. Adjusting expenses and negotiating with banks and suppliers until this is achieved is the key. In this sense, having a good management program such as Holded is a must".
"Nowadays you must not overlook social media. You can reach many new customers with the right strategy."
Social networks build trust and, in the case of La Chapolera, they have done a great job because, at a glance, we know a lot about the company's day to day life, the way they work, etc. Very often companies simply stay on their web page, but nowadays, having a developed social network means that many clients arrive in a tangential way and decide to stay, since the direct messages are very easy to reach and close to them.
"As Holded allows you to store all the information in the cloud and, therefore, to be able to access everything from any device anywhere, you can spend plenty of time on other tasks. It's a holistic solution."
Holded helps us especially in stock management, the creation of delivery notes, invoices... in addition to the daily management of the activity. Its reporting and cash-flow tools are highly helpful as well.
In our particular case, its main functionality is integration.
A sale is easily registered, tracked and analyzed with a single process.
Try Holded completely free and without limits for 14 days.
You can do a lot of things with Holded, but you don't have to know everything to start.
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