The Worker of the Future

holded facturacion

The most-valued skills of a worker have continually been updated throughout the history of mankind. Today, in a world that is continuously changing in a short space of time, skills related to the ability to change and adapt to new situations are critical.

Both Millennials and Generation Z, born and educated in a technological world, are changing the working model in companies. In many ways, they think and behave very differently than previous generations, and this has naturally influenced the job market.

Some studies indicate that these generations have a better attitude and an increased potential to be self-employed, characteristics that, strangely enough, make them especially attractive to companies. Let’s go over some characteristics of these “jobs of the future.” Look at yourself to see if you are reflected in them and if this is how you see yourself working in the future.

Principles of the Worker of the Future

It’s safe to say that the employee of tomorrow is not the same person as the employee of yesterday. Here are a few principles we expect to see reflected in “the worker of the future”. These are, however, just guesses and estimations based on the current state of the world—only time will tell what the future worker will look like.

1. Works in a very flexible environment

Employees are no longer bound to the office where they are forced to commute an hour each way, sit in a cubicle, and work 9-5. Most employees will become location independent and will be able to work when and where they want if they can get access to Wi-Fi.

Not only that, but workers will be able to customize their work.

Employees will be able to shape their career paths and choose the projects they work on. Work will become more like a “choose your own adventure game” vs “finding your way through the maze.”

2. Wants to and can become a leader

For the first time in the history of business, employees have the unique opportunity to become leaders within their organizations by sharing their ideas and feedback in a public and transparent way for their peers, managers, and executives to see (via emergent technologies).

Never were employees able to build their networks within an organization at scale and get recognized for their contributions, technology has dramatically empowered employees and allows them to build weak ties!

This can be done through the ability to teach and learn at will, too. Technology has connected employees and information together anywhere, anytime, and on any device. This means that learning and teaching can happen between employees without official corporate training programs or manuals. This is something that will appeal most to natural-born leaders.

3. Is open to sharing information freely

The mentality of “knowledge is power” meant that employees hoarded information so that nobody else could take credit for their ideas. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help anyone. The mentality going forward is all about, “sharing is power.” The employees who share their ideas and information and use collaborative technologies and internal social networks are going to be the ones that succeed and grow their careers. These people who share will become the future leaders.

4. Finds new ways to communicate and collaborate with colleagues

Email is no longer the most effective or efficient way to communicate or collaborate. Many emergent technologies such as internal collaboration platforms are going to start to replace email in many situations.

Big data, Internet of things, robotics, and mobile devices, to name a few, are part of the foreseeable future. Companies will require professionals who are able to understand and take charge of this new world, which will revolutionize nearly all business sectors.

5. Takes advantage of new training models

The generations we spoke about above provide highly trained professionals with an understanding of technology and a disruptive way of thinking when compared to more traditional ways.

They want to play an active role in company decision-making, and so they turn away from hierarchical models and request transparency in the way a business is managed. They look at work as a part of life, not life itself, and are leaning toward new models of conciliation that allow them a better balance in their professional and personal life.

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