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What is the re-engineering of business processes?

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Let’s take a look at how your business could benefit from understanding the re-engineering of business processes. We’ll also be exploring how to create a map to face the processes that surround this re-engineering.

As you are most likely aware, not all company problems are tangible, but can be sometimes general and almost abstract that extend across the multiple lines of the workflow. In these cases, it’s essential to stop, separate all the parts that go into that workflow and analyse its operations separately, and together. That is when re-engineering takes centre stage.

Having a cloud-operated system will provide you with a great start in the re-engineering of business processes. But, let’s examine exactly what it is, and brace yourselves, it’s not the most simplest of concepts, but we will get there.

What is business process re-engineering?

Let’s begin with the basics … The point is that re-engineering is a method that seeks the redesign of work processes within a business with a primary objective; to improve cost performance, quality, service and speed.

So what we are saying is that, by subjecting a company to re-engineering process, we’re going to stop thinking about organisational schemes as functions, tasks or divisions but more effectively, see them as processes. This is also achieved when this method forces attention back to the initial idea that existed in the first place, and questions the fundamental principles of the business and they way in which it operates.

So, process re-engineering says that we should forget the past and make way for a new way of working. But how can you do this? This is when our process maps come into play.

Process map? What is it?

A process map is a flow chart in which all the processes that affect matters and information within a company appear. The graph should ideally display all the tasks that are associated with a specific process, show the necessary decisions at each point of the production chain, and indicate the basic relationships between the different states of the flow.

You will want to a visual representation of all the steps and decisions involved within the same business flow, as this will be help guide you when organising the processes and allow the information to be accessible to anyone who needs it within the company.

How do I make said, process map?

Let’s take a look at six steps that will help you create a map to face the re-engineering of business processes;

  • Identify the problem. Find out what doesn’t work and what should be improved in a particular process. Locate it and isolate it. 
  • Brainstorm. Everyone loves a good brainstorming session, and it’s evident why. It works. Use this approach to address any type of problem.
  • Set limits. Decide where your flow analysis will start, and finish.
  • Define the steps. Follow and order them in the most effective way.
  • Use symbols that are visually clear. There are an array of shapes you can use to highlight beginning and end processes, the operations to be performed, the flow line, the decisions, and to make entries / exits clear. Just be consistent and clear about what each symbol means.
  • Finish the map. Review the flowchart you made and make sure everything is included correctly.

This is a method that affects absolutely all areas of a company and using the map will help tenfold. For this reason, as with many other processes that involve departments to intercommunicate, it is wise to work in real-time by using a cloud software that has integrative tools, such as Holded’s ERP software.

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